1300 308 789

What is Meth?

  • Amphetamine Type Stimulant (ATS), commonly known as “Ice”
  • Stimulates central nervous systems and increase dopamine levels
  • A powerfully addictive drug that easily made form common household chemicals
  • Two main forms are:

– Crystal Rock

– Powder

Meth Inspection will provide you a professional and comprehensive report for your prospective property.

“Smoking methamphetamine is not the burning of methamphetamine, rather it is the heating of methamphetamine until it becomes an inhalable aerosol. The aerosols/residues that are produced and deposited during smoking of methamphetamine are considered to be the same as those produced during the manufacture of methamphetamine.

Dr Jackie Wright – Flinders University

Types of Tests

  • Screening

        Meth Rescue instant test

        Base composite

        Laboratory composite

  • Detailed assessment

        Discrete sampling

  • Post decontamination

       In-depth room sampling


  • Australian Clandestine Laboratory Remediation Guidelines

At least 5 samples

All rooms occupied by children under the age of 16

0.5 ug/100cm^2

  • NZS 8510-2017
  • State Guidelines
  • NIOSH 9111

Laboratory (NATA accredited for meth analysis)

Sampling technique

Characteristics of a User Site

  • Generally messy and untidy
  • Damage to doors and internal walls
  • Meth pipes
  • Small ‘point’ bags
  • Missing light bulbs

Possible Health Effects (third hand)

Short Term Long Term
·        Nausea

·        Headaches

·        Sore/itchy eyes

·        Skin irritations

·        Dizziness

·        Coughing

·        Sleep disorders

·        Organ failure

·        Cancer

·        Miscarriage

·        Birth defects

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